Volume 86

Members & Editors

Issue 1


Playing Cowboys and Iranians: Selective Colorblindness and the Legal Construction of White Geographies
John Tehranian

Congress and Indians
Kristen Matoy Carlson

Preventing Government Shutdowns: Designing Default Rules for Budgets
David Scott Louk & David Gamage

Casenotes & Comments

Getting Even Less than What They Paid for: The Plight of Generic Drug Consumers Under the Levine-Mensing Dichotomy
Vikrama Chandrashekar

Recall Me Maybe? The Corrosive Effect of Recall Elections on State Legislative Politics
Zachary J. Siegel

An Overreaction that Destroyed an Industry: The Past, Present, and Future of U.S. Satellite Export Controls
Kurtis J. Zinger

Issue 2


Property Rights in Water, Spectrum, and Minerals
Richard Epstein


From Access to Success: Affirmative Action Outcomes in a Class-Based System
Matthew N. Gaertner & Melissa Hart

Corporate Political Contributions as Bad Faith
Joseph K. Leahy

The Adventure of the Shrinking Public Domain
Elizabeth L. Rosenblatt

Casenotes & Comments

Complicity and Strict Liability: A Logical Inconsistency?
Michael Bohan

The Next British Invasion is Securities Crowdfunding: How Issuing Non-Registered Securities Through the Crowd Can Succeed in the United States
Robert H. Steinhoff

Privatization and Its Discontents: The Troubling Record of Privatized Prison Health Care
Dan Weiss

Issue 3


Tribes as Innovative Environmental “Laboratories”
Elizabeth Ann Kronk Warner

How National Park Law Really Works
John Copeland Nagle

Intrastate Preemption in the Shifting Energy Sector
Uma Outka

Casenotes & Comments

Looking Inward: Domestic Policy for Climate Change Refugees in the United States and Beyond
Carey DeGenaro

When Apps Pollute: Regulating Transportation Network Companies to Maximize Environmental Benefits
K. Casey Strong

Compromise in Colorado: Solar Net Metering and the Case for “Renewable Avoided Cost”
Alexander D. White

Issue 4

Articles & Essays

The Problems Inherent in Litigating Employer Free Exercise Rights
Henry L. Chambers Jr.

Litigating Against the Civil Rights Movement
Christopher W. Schmidt

The Support Structure for Campaign Finance Litigation in the Roberts Court: A Research Agenda
Ann Southworth

A Lawyer Looks at Civil Disobedience: Why Lewis F. Powell Jr. Divorced Diversity from Affirmative Action
Anders Walker

Identity Contests: Litigation and the Meaning of Social-Movement Causes
Mary Ziegler