Volume 85

Members & Editors

Issue 1


The Special Problem of Banks and Crime
Gregory M. Gilchrist

Copyright Trolls and Presumptively Fair Uses
Brad A. Greenberg

Murder, Minority Victims, and Mercy
Aya Gruber

Casenotes & Comments

Avetisyan’s Limited Improvements Within the Overburdened Immigration Court System
Kristin Bohman

Who May Hire Teachers: How Mutual Consent Fits Into the Current Colorado Hiring Framework
Amanda R. Levin

Preserving Baseball’s Integrity Through Proper Drug Testing: Time for the Major League Baseball Players
Wolfgang S. Weber

Issue 2


Food for Thought: Genetically Modified Seeds as De Facto Standard-Essential Patents
Benjamin M. Cole, Brent J. Horton, & Ryan Vacca

The New Nexus
Anjum Gupta

Mass Arbitration and Democratic Legitimacy
David Horton

Casenotes & Comments

Swing State Rulings on Restrictive Voting Laws Highlight the Need for Comprehensive Electoral Reform
Michael LaVigne

A Colorado Child’s Best Interests: Examining the GabriesheskiDecision and Future Policy Implications
David Meschke

Misadventures in Indian Law: The Supreme Court’s Patchak Decision
Anna O’Brien

Issue 3


Holistic Climate Change Governance: Towards Mitigation and Adaptation Synthesis
Katherine Trisolini

Whole-System Agricultural Certification: Using Lessons Learned from LEED to Build a Resilient Agricultural System to Adapt to Climate Change 
Mary Jane Angelo & Joanna Reilly-Brown

Comparative Institutional Competency and Sovereignty in Indian Affairs
Michalyn Steele

Casenotes & Comments

Regulating Hydraulic Fracturing Through Land Use: State Preemption Prevails
Kevin J. Duffy

Meaningful Consultation with Tribal Governments: A Uniform Standard to Guarantee that Federal Agencies Properly Consider Their Concerns
Michael Eitner

Won’t You Be My Neighbor? The Fallout from the Colorado Supreme Court’s Decision in COGCC v. GVCA
Luke Mecklenburg

Issue 4


“Whiffs of Federalism” in United States v. Windsor: Power, Localism, and Kulturkampf
Marc R. Poirier

The Spending Power and Environmental Law After Sebelius
Erin Ryan

Essays & Speeches

Unbundling Federalism: Colorado’s Legalization of Marijuana and Federalism’s Many Forms
Jessica Bulman-Pozen

Immigration and Cooperative Federalism: Toward a Doctrinal Framework
Ming H. Chen

Cooperative Federalism and State Marijuana Regulation
Sam Kamin

Fracking as a Federalism Case Study
Amanda C. Leiter

Exit, Voice, and Loyalty as Federalism Strategies: Lessons from the Same-Sex Marriage Debate
Ernest A. Young